How Do You PTA?
Today, PTA’s role is more important than ever in connecting parents, teachers and administrators, and supporting critical school needs. We want every family in our schools to join PTA, because we can do more together than apart.

Membership is the backbone of PTA. It represents a potential for unified action: a unified attack on major problems, a unified push for improved legislation, an opportunity to act on new ideas, and a chance to meet with others and discuss mutual concerns. Upon joining a local PTA, the individual member becomes a member of both the state and national organizations. At the same time local associations are discussing community issues, Alabama PTA and National PTA leaders are addressing ways to improve the laws affecting schools throughout the state and nation. By joining with PTA members, an individual gains a more powerful voice in the decision-making process. Any person interested in the welfare of children and youth qualifies as a potential member in PTA.
PTA membership gives an individual the privilege to vote on all matters of concern to the local PTA, Alabama PTA, and National PTA; to attend and participate in any state or nationally sponsored meeting; and to hold office.
Membership in one unit does not constitute privileges in another local unit. A member of more than one local PTA must pay dues to each:
Each local PTA has its own By-Laws and rate of dues:
Local participation requires local membership
Each PTA is dependent upon individual membership support to carry out its objectives
To join a Huntsville School PTA/PTSA

The following award is determined by HCPTA Executive Committee and does not require an application. Membership payment deadline, March 1 refers to ACH initiated payment via GiveBacks (a.k.a., MemberHub) or a mailed check postmarked on or before the deadline date to Alabama PTA.
This award will be given to the PTAs/PTSAs in each category with the largest percentage of growth based on the total memberships remitted to Alabama PTA by March 1 compared to the previous year’s membership total.
The number of Shooting Star Membership Award recipients per category are as follows:
Elementary - Top Three (3)
Middle/Jr High - One (1)
High School - One (1)
Multi School - One (1)
Ties will be recognized in the event of equal percentage membership growth in each category.
Information for Alabama PTA Membership Awards can be found here.