The PTA Reflections Program is designed to enhance quality arts education. Students in preschool through grade 12 are encouraged to create works of art in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and the visual arts for fun and recognition. The program brings families, school and communities together by supporting student success through the arts.
Started in 1969 by the Colorado PTA President Mary Lou Anderson, Reflections has encouraged millions of students to express themselves by giving positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Any PTA in good standing is eligible to sponsor Reflections on their campus.

Artist Statement
The artist statement communicates what inspired the work, how it relates to the theme, and the content of the work. The statement must include at least 10 words and not exceed 100 words.
This is very important! How the artist describes why their piece of art supports the Theme: Accepting Imperfection will weigh more than the actual piece of art.
This is what makes Reflections a unique art competition. It takes the artist to a higher level of art interpretation and creation.
Important Info to Get You Started
You will find everything you need to get your program started, including entry form and guidelines, here.
To enter the top 4 winners from your PTA/PTSA to Huntsville Council PTA use these links
You may upload all Accessible Artists entries.
Of the national-level submissions, over 200 student Reflections participants will receive the following awards from National PTA:
Merit Award: Bronze Medal; Certificate of Merit; Work featured in the traveling exhibition
Award of Excellence: $200 Young Artist Scholarship; Silver Medal; Certificate of Excellence; Work featured in the traveling exhibition
Outstanding Interpretation Award: $800 Young Artist Scholarship; Gold Medal; Certificate of Outstanding Interpretation; Work featured in the traveling exhibition; $200 Prize for Local PTA Unit
The Reflections program recognizes students at the Local, Council/Region, State and National PTA levels.
At each level, all entries are judged on interpretation of the theme, creativity and artistic merit.
Eligible students must attend a school with a PTA in good standing with Alabama PTA.
Students may enter one entry to any or all of the six art categories.
Each entry must be the original work of one student and created specifically for the Reflections program based on the national theme.
Each entry must also conform to the guidelines developed by the National PTA.